Opinion Politics

Defence v. Foreign Aid

It’s good to know where we stand. ELT Footprint UK is part of sustainable education and sustainable education is part of sustainable development.

Just take a look at the UN’s sustainable development goals to see the connections.

So in that light, the UK government’s recent decision to break its manifesto promise by cutting overseas aid by one third should concern us all.

A recent radio programme – The Moral Maze – allowed its speakers to expose some of the spiteful justifications for the decision. Why is it? – asks one person – That some of those who call most ardently for charity to begin at home often have that very belief desert them when it comes to increased welfare spending?

But to be honest, the arguments are not always black and white and the programme aired some persuasive views on the actual efficacy of foreign aid.

In the end though, considering the subject from every angle, every right-minded person will surely agree that the decision to reduce overseas aid was a shockingly poor one. BBC radio at its best


IATEFL 2020 Conference


What is our role as language teachers in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (UN)? Great to see this and other questions being considered at IATEFL 2020 Annual Conference in Manchester this April. More info