Take the Green Action ELT Pledge

Show the world you care with the Green Action ELT Pledge – an environmental commitment scheme for everyone in the language teaching sector.

We are delighted that you are ready to pledge your commitment to sustainability in language teaching. By taking part you are committing to reducing your environmental impact while showing leadership and proving to the world that you care about the future.

The Pledge has three levels: bronze, silver and gold. To complete the Pledge you must commit to all bronze actions that are relevant to your situation, whether or not you already do these things. Silver and Gold levels reflect increasingly impactful actions.

Signatories to the Pledge will receive a media pack to help share their commitment to environmental action. They will also be included on our Signatories page which will list the number of actions committed to at each level: bronze, silver and gold.

Where an item is not relevant to you or your organisation, please mark it as Not Applicable (N/A).