
Liverpool School of English Green Group

A guest blog by Ricky Anderson

The Green Group at Liverpool School of English started in January 2020 as an attempt by a handful of teaching staff to convert our environmental frustration into meaningful action. The intention has been, from the beginning, to collectively take action and do our bit within our context – So teachers and English language learners working together to make our school, local area and shared lifestyles more sustainable.

We began by arranging a series of lunchtime meetings to which all staff and students were invited. We regularly had 10-15 attendees -split into action groups, each identifying environmental issues and doing the ground work to achieve a related action point. We also have a Green Group Whatsapp group used to share ideas, research and so on. The action points that have taken place have included:

  • The setting up of a Library of Things at our school -adaptors, umbrellas, hairdryers, textbooks, cutlery and crockery saved from landfill and used.
  • homeless donations box –bedding, clothes, unused toiletries saved from landfill and used.
  • TrashTalk – our weekly local litter pick and conversation class.
  • The addition of litter pick and tree planting activities to our social programme.
  • Increased energy waste awareness Switch it off stickers.
  • Student-led improvements in our recycling provision- including joining Terracycle and collecting all used pens for recycling.
  • Student-written emails sent to residences and host families re. recycling provision.
  • Student-written emails to local politicians.
  • Green Talks: 30-minute talks from local green entrepreneurs, Green Party councillors, ecologists etc
  • Reuse of one-sided misprints across the school.

We have failed thus far /  continuing to try and implement some of the following:

  • Composting
  • Water butt -rainwater collection ad use
  • Bug hotels, bird boxes, bird baths
  • Sustainability based workshops
  • A carbon offsetting button on school booking forms
  • A bike share scheme
  • Increased nature walking and woodland based social activities
  • An environment/ climate crisis themed week of lessons and activities
  • A teacher car share system

Those involved in setting this up have without exception felt an immense pride in seeing what a small group of people working together for 30 minutes a week can achieve. We’re hoping that our Green Group could provide a model for other similar sized  language schools to take action collectively against the climate crisis.

For further information please contact, Ricky Anderson, Academic Coordinator at Liverpool Schools of English.

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